Thursday, March 8, 2012

this week

some the crew members like my drawings and asked me to do a few pictures. I also started designing tattoos for my friends. here's what i got so far, more to come
My friend Guerra from Tropical Fire.
both above

pics took me 10hrs each. I'm trying my best to get faster, so I'll on have to keep drawing..I think thats how it works.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


My Goal with this is to draw 100 faces. I first started out thinking about doing cartoony characters then I decided thats not the goal of the task. so I'll be tallying my numbers as I progress.

Past Drawings

First Concept of lava monster
second concept lava monster
Back of final lava monster
Final Concept of lava monster

concept for a walk around suit, mix of angler fish/dinosaur/mutant only a 1/3 scale prototype was made

characters from my world Kyber the silent Ronin and his Warrior Priestess companion Fonti

I like this creature its a blind and use the antenna on its head like bat would use sonar. the nostrils are behind the head and the mouth opens and the expands outward the teeth(tendrils have barbs on the inside that help hold on the food is its eating. I fashioned him to be at home in the ocean so he's got wings under the arms webbed feet and hands. and hes chest is iridescent More pictures from my sketch book. enjoy